Thursday 6 November 2014

We sold Catherine's bike today

Ever since my mother and brother died, there have been so many things to sell and give away. I worked on that with my older brother...the house went in the middle of October, and now there are just some electronics.

It was necessity and it got me into the rhythm of moving things along. So today, finally, we sold Catherine's bike. I was a bit emotional. (I think the guy who came to look at it probably thought I was a bit crazy.) I held onto the handlebars for one last time... and it is gone. May its new rider enjoy the bike

We're going to use the money for something that we'll use often, like maybe a car radio or something like that. So that it's not just absorbed into food and household expenses...but there's a replacement for the bike

I suppose it says something about me and where things are that I have managed to part with it.

And it says something else that I'm writing this blog again!