Bhopal -- random pictures

These are miscellaneous pictures of Bhopal. No places of special significance to me, but sights and scenes for your interest. I'll keep adding so come back again later.

Bhopal Lake - the view from where we are staying.

View of Bhopal from the restaurant on top of the Mall.

Shopping Malls didn't exist when I was last in India, but they are quite plentiful now. There are several in Bhopal. This is the largest, apparently the fifth largest in the country. It was similar to a mall anywhere, complete with Macdonalds, KFC, Baskin Robbins icecream, Pizza Hut, and lots of clothes shops. Spotlessly clean and no crowds. Quite a gap between this and the normal shops and market stalls on the streets below! There was a security check on the way into the mall, probably the sole significant difference between a mall here and those in the West.

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