From dust to dust

Today is 3rd January. Pax would be 34 today...

Today I went up to the cemetery in Alton where Catherine is buried. When we put up the headstone, we included Pax. It's given me a place to focus on them both. It's about as pretty a place as a cemetery can be, surrounded by beautiful mature trees and a chorus of birdsong. This is the view looking outwards over their headstone. See the one with a lily and a dove engraved on the back? The lily is for Catherine, her favourite flower. The dove is for Pax, which is "peace" in Latin.

My plan has been to take a little of the earth from Catherine's grave to Bhopal. Here it is. Just a little; just symbolic of bringing her to him.

And this is the headstone of Catherine's grave, and the cenotaph for Pax. (Cenotaph:  an "empty tomb" or a monument erected in honour of a person or group of people whose remains are elsewhere.) 

1 comment:

  1. My brother died as a child and is buried in Bhopal too.
