Friday 12 April 2013

Catherine's 2 year anniversary - Saturday 13th April

I recently got appointed to the management board of a healthcare advocacy charity (unpaid post) and I have an interview about possibly becoming a trustee for another charity. Catherine would be pleased I'm sure. I have 9 books in print, another book sitting with a publisher who's considering it, a comfortable house, enough income to live (simply). I sit here with a view of green hills, on the edge of beautiful countryside. We're getting a bigger car next week, one we can convert into a mini-camper, something we've always wanted. Sounds like lots of reasons to be happy.

But neither of my children are here to enjoy any of this, and for that reason I'm not.

I miss Pax and not knowing him as anyone but a small child, except in my dreams.

I miss Catherine desperately. I miss her phone calls, her visits. I wish with all of my heart that she was here. Tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of her passing over. I will lay flowers at the grave, I will take photos, I will light candles. But nothing I do can ever bring her back and that hurts too bad for words.

If you are reading this on 13th April, please pick a flower or light a candle in her memory. Say a prayer if that is something you do. I can't bear the thought that she would be only remembered by me, because what will happen when I'm gone?

Catherine in her house, November 2010. Note the bananas! She loved them.
The mirror and dining table are in our home now, used daily.  

1 comment:

  1. Just now am I realizing that Cathy passed away 3 days before my own birthday. I have not been able to celebrate anything since Natie's passing, but I will gladly remember Cathy's birthday from now on instead of mine. (Clotilde Volpe)
