Monday 4 November 2013

Looks like I have a publisher for "The Valley Journal"

A chain of events. Simon and I had a stand at a Christian Resources Exhibition. We had free tickets to give away and send some to friends. Avril sent the ticket to her brother Steve. He attended the exhibition. While there, he met an innovative Christian publishers and invited them to a Christian Writers Book Fair. Avril invited me to the same Fair. And that's where I met the publishers who want to take on "The Valley Journal."

It's a bit like the tale of "for the want of a nail the shoe was lost....and the kingdom was lost, all for the want of a nail", but in reverse. Each event linked on to the next, hopefully bringing this project to fruition.

Well, we're not there yet, but it's a positive step.

Need to pray for the finances as we are going to need some to get it moving, but I believe it will work out.

How nice, to have something positive to write.

None of this brings my children back of course, but it does make them better known--memorialising my children is very important for me, as you full well know if you have followed this blog! And it does also give me hope that I can help others, as incapable as I feel.

It was All Soul's Day when we met the publishers. It all seems to fit, doesn't it?

This is the memorial wall in the small park opposite our house. When they built the wall, the residents were given the opportunity to have memorial bricks put in for their loved ones. So we went for these. As my children aren't  known around here, obviously, I put my name to kind of anchor their presence. I can see the wall from my office window. But I hope now I can do more living memorials

1 comment:

  1. Praying for the publishing of your wonderful book, which helped me so much, and will help so many others.
