Saturday 12 April 2014

Another passing, another aniversary

I feel as though I'm living on the border between life and death. Not because of myself, but all that's happened.

6th March, my brother died.

6th April,  my mother died. (To a very extent, a consequence of 6th March.)

And tomorrow is Catherine's 3rd anniversary...on Palm Sunday.

Surprisingly,  I am feeling quite calm now. The hope of Easter is filling my heart. I can't really explain it but I'm coping, even relaxed. I don't know how I will be tomorrow morning but that's how it is at the moment.

If you're celebrating mass tomorrow, or even if not, please remember Catherine in your prayers. And Pax too of course.

(The picture is Catherine with my mum, about 2009)

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful, Abi. The hope of Easter has also taken a very personal meaning for me, which makes all the difference in the world, and also gives me peace. So much to look forward to, when we will all be reunited. All tears will be wiped, and joy will reign at last. Sending much love and all our prayers on this very special day tomorrow.
