Sunday 30 December 2012

Manchester airport, life symetry

The countdown to departure is on: 8 days to go. We're leaving from Manchester airport.

There’s some life symmetry here.

My first husband (H1 hereafter) and I got married in Manchester. We flew from that airport to Pakistan, and Pax was born 9 months later.

I taught English while we were there.

Then, after a year, trouble broke out. I think there was something in Mecca, it got stormed?? And it became unsafe for westerners in Pakistan. We'd had enough of it by then anyway. So we flew back to Manchester.

So it's appropriate we're flying out of there this time, though not planned that way.

Here's Pax around that age--10 months, still in Islamabad.


  1. I read your comment about H1 and thought, "I want to know this woman." Loved that. Then, scrolled down to see Pax eyes. He looks like a wise man. Maybe it's projection? I see wisdom and a doctor I would trust in his face. Wish I had the pleasure to know him as an adult, bearding with the rest of us <3 much love. This journey is a trudge at times.

  2. Oh I love that pic! That's how I remember him! Such a sweet, smart little man!
