Saturday 29 December 2012

Surviving bereavement

I don’t know who will read this Blog; it doesn't matter too much. The process of writing is one way I have survived the intense grief of the past 20 months. If anyone reads and makes nice comments, that will be a bonus.

It’s thinking about other people reading this that makes me want to write a bit more of an introduction.

Losing a child--much less all of your children--is the most difficult of bereavement. It is against the natural order of things. If you are reading this because you are a bereaved parent, I'd like to recommend you visit The Compassionate Friends: . This is a support group that exist internationally, both as a private Internet forum and in local groups.

Something else that has helped me has been receiving grief counselling. Where I live there's the Dove Service . I hope if you need it you can find something similar nearby. Finding a safe and confidential space to work through issues can be invaluable.

So, back to writing. I have written a bereavement support book. It was born out of my own journey but I've tried to produce something that will help others. I have a few publishers looking at it. In the meantime, if you're interested, take a look here: ttp://

Okay, that's all to "the readers" if you're out there.

The rest is about Pax, Catherine and me.

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