Thursday 20 June 2013

Memorial service for Pax -- pictures

The cemetery in Alton as it is on this day, 27 May 2013. This is the view away from the grave. The building is a maintenance shed. The barrel collects rainwater which people use to water the flowers on their loved one's graves. It's a very well-kept cemetery. It is incredibly peaceful. 

The soil in the bottle is from Pax's actual grave garden in Bhopal.  This is part of what we brought back from India. 

It was quite chilly and raining off and on  by this time. We sat in the car and  read some memorial-type readings. Then  Simon dug a little hole into which we put this blue metal case with the jar of soil and Pax's picture. We prayed over it and then Simon covered it up.
Candle lit for Pax. We bought a pair of these candles in Bhopal. We lit one and left it on his grave at the St Francis Cathedral. Today we lit the other candle here. 

The grave is busy as you can see, with flowers, a bird, and various angels and candles. I also bring small rocks and shells back from trips.

 In January I took soil from Catherine's grave. Some of that soil is now in Bhopal, India. From Bhopal we brought a little soil from Pax's grave. Now that soil is in Alton, England, in Catherine's grave. We have come a full circle.

There is a certain peace in doing all of this, feeling like I have done as much as I can as far as "stone" memorials. But now it is time to start working on living memorials. Not actually start, because I've been doing that already, but more actively and determinedly. I'll write more about that soon...

Rest in peace, Pax. I wish so much to hold you in my arms once more, to hear your voice. Please God there is a place where that will one day be possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Yes it will be possible one day, I believe it. They are both re-united and watching over you, caring for you, soaking in your love and devotion, loving you from the other side, waiting for the day you will all be together again. (Clotilde Volpe)
