Thursday 29 August 2013

Where have I been, and what's in my head (microchimerism)

What happened to this blog? I have been in a silent stage. I don't have much to say, at least not here. Been doing a lot of introspection and my-life-until-now-spection. Cannot see my way to any future-spection!

On a forum for bereaved parents I wrote recently,

"I have emotionally flatlined, and I don't know where to find the pulse."

Sounds very low, doesn't it.

I did also add,

"I'm breathing."

And I suppose that's it; I am still breathing.

It is said that when a woman is pregnant, some of the DNA from the child goes into the mother. Our children literally become part of us.

I'm not imagining things; it's called microchimerism

A serious source:

And an easy-read version:

Is it any wonder that my children are on my mind continuously? They may not be alive in the physical sense, but they live in me.

And does that that mean that as long as I am alive, in a sense my children still are? Perhaps my death will be their final physical demise.

I hope someone will remember Pax and Catherine when I die. Perhaps if you're reading this, you're one of those who will. 

1 comment:

  1. I will. But I believe their soul or spirit, however you want to call it, will never ever die. Only their physical body is missing. But while on earth, the loss is gigantic.
