Wednesday 22 January 2014

Speak and Spell

Passing some time in the waiting room of the specialist arthritis hospital where I come twice a year for check ups.

Cath came with me once on one of her visits. And on her very last visit, she and Simon picked me up and we went for a picnic. Later that does we took her to the train station. That was the last time I saw Cath alive. I can't believe how calm I am writing this.

The first few times I came back to this hospital were very emotional. I was reliving that last day. Now I can manage it. There's always a long wait so lots of time to reflect. Maybe that's why it is more manageable now, I've processed it over and over.

But what got me writing right now was a woman sitting in the waiting room with her daughter, probably 2 or 3 years old. They were playing an educational game on a tablet, spotting letters of the alphabet.

And it made me think of Cath at that age and her "Speak and Spell". I guess it was one of the earliest versions of an electronic educational game device.

Cath was always a great speller. Don't know how much Speak and Spell had to do with it but she enjoyed it.

And that is a happy memory.

(Picture will follow)


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