Thursday 3 January 2013

The mother-child connection (A post for all bereaved mothers)

Think about this:

"During pregnancy, and even decades later, a baby's influence on mom runs deep — cell deep. While the fetus develops inside the womb, its cells mix and mingle with the mother's after traveling through the placenta, and can stay there for years."  ( 

"A mother may always have her children on her mind, literally. New findings reveal that cells from fetuses can migrate into the brains of their mothers, researchers say. ... 
Recent findings showed that during pregnancy, mothers and fetuses often exchange cells that can apparently survive in bodies for years, a phenomenon known as microchimerism." (

"Children will forever be in the heart and minds of their mothers.
And, as research shows, in her liver, lungs, skin, blood vessels, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, and spinal cord!
During the pregnancy process, mom and baby are not just connected by an umbilical cord, but they literally become part of each other.  Cells from baby (particularly stem cells, which are undifferentiated until they get a cue from the body to become a liver cell, a heart cell, etc.) pass through the placenta and take up residency within the mothers body.
In an article in the winter 2011 issue of Pathways Magazine, Bruce Lipton makes reference to research studying liver regeneration. In one case, liver cells identified as male were found in a biopsy of a woman who had given birth to a boy years earlier. Her liver had regenerated itself using the stem cells that were living in her body from her son!
Baby stem cells can also take up residency in mom’s brain, and may in part explain why mothers always seems to intuitively know what is going on with their children even when they have grown and moved away.
Studies involving mice revealed stem cells from fetuses cross the blood-brain barrier and take up shop in the mother mouse brain and generate new neurons. These fetal stem cells differentiate into neurons within the mothers brain, yet still contain the DNA of the babies. Her babies cells literally become part of her own nervous system!
As you can deduce, this phenomenon must also happen in humans, and therefore we can assume that moms have their children hardwired in their brains for life. Mom and baby literally are one in the same.
The primal bond between mother and child is undeniably strong, spiritually, emotionally and as we now know, physiologically!
So the next time your mom calls just to make sure you are ok, because she ‘just felt like something was going on’ give her the benefit of the doubt! You will forever be part of her."  (

 So in a very real sense, our children live on in us. And also in a very real sense, how hard it is to lose them. 

What more can be said? 

1 comment:

  1. Nothing more can be said. We carry our children in our heart/mind and body
