Sunday 13 January 2013

We found Pax's grave!

Indian cemeteries are a world away from what we are accustomed to in Europe or I imagine in America. Here, if a grave isn't visited for 5-6 years, it is reused for someone else. From what I understand, the bones are exhumed and cremated. On top of that, this is Bhopal, where the gas disaster of 1984 took tens of thousands of lives and brought the city into chaos. Many buildings have been renovated and even cemeteries altered.

The possibility of finding the grave where Pax was laid to rest was, to put it simply, very slim. We did not know if there was any marker, but even if there had been in 1982, it was unlikely to be there now, 30 years later, for the reasons above.

To cut a long story short (later I will backtrack and tell the longer part), we HAVE found his grave spot! It is behind the oldest church in Bhopal, actually a Cathedral, and because it is so old it has been declared an archeological site. So that means the ground has NOT been disturbed. Also, they no longer bury people in the little garden plot behind the church, as there is a large cemetery that is used now.

We found it yesterday, Saturday. By 4 pm, we had a new cross in place, the Catholic priests came and we had formal prayers. I lit a candle, took some soil, put the soil from Catherine's plot, and we had beautiful flowers. Today we're going back again to take our leave, we'll attend mass, and say farewell to the earthly part.

Actually I have a lot of news and comments to tell, but I have only a few minutes right now. There will be more later.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed and supported us in this journey.


  1. Oh Abi, that is amazing!! You must be feeling very surreal.... and though it's such a painful thing to have done, i am SO pleased for you too (((((x)))))

  2. Wonderful news, Abi, I was so moved to read your news and so happy for you. I kow it is a bitter sweet time but I hope and pray it will bring you comfort and peace of mind.
    Love and blessings,
    Gill xxxx

  3. Abi so sad to be there yet how precious to find Pax's grave and a true miracle it's there still and you are able to do this
