Wednesday 8 May 2013

Making space

Simon and I are both self-employed. It's necessary to keep copies of our accounts--bills, receipts, paperwork, etc, but basically only for 6 - 7 years.

A few weeks back I did a big sort out of papers pre-dating April 2006, and then a big burning in the garden.

Papers, even receipts, are full of memories. Although these were connected with work, as work was such a big part of my life in that period, the memories and feelings invoked were not all happy. Far from it. Suffice it to say, I thoroughly enjoyed burning that heap of papers!

I kept a few for nostalgic reasons, also as memory joggers in case I ever get around to the book I've started and planned.

Getting rid of the old makes space for the new. Or maybe it just makes space.

I also managed to put together over two banana boxes full of books that we then donated to the Samaritans charity shop. Lots of books that I have never read, or have read and don't need to read again. More memories. There was one box full of Catherine's college books, many of which I'd bought for her as she started various courses over the years. They weren't doing any good sitting in the garage; I hope someone can use them, and also that Samaritans makes some money from their sale. They provide a very important service.

Cath at 3. She could read simple books already. An early reader,  home-educated. 

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