Sunday 24 February 2013

Bhopal cemetery search (pictures)

 More picture-posting catch-up

These are the pictures from our search through the two Christian cemeteries in Bhopal, hunting for Pax's grave.

This is the main Christian cemetery--Catholic--and where we thought we had found Pax's grave. This is the area of the cemetery where the 1980s graves are found. As you can see, even the "real" cemetery is quite rough looking in comparison with UK cemeteries. Perhaps the dry, dusty ground contributes to the rough appearance; plants and trees are growing but without any manicured appearance. This is a caretaker though and there were fresh flowers on various graves. The love that brings us to visit our deceased families and friends in a graveyard is universal.  
This is a stone shrine at the front right-hand side of the Catholic cemetery. I believe it was built after the Bhopal gas tragedy. It's quite large, as you can see by the person sitting praying on the right-hand side. I didn't look at it (Simon took these pictures), I was concentrating on Pax at the time. If I ever return then I'll look at it closer.
This is a picture of the second Christian cemetery, which I believe is older than the first, as there is a sign about it being an archeological site (something to do with the Begums of Bhopal). This particular section looks better cared for but .... 
...this is part of the line of children's graves from the 1980s. There are also graves under this grassy patch of land that were found when they started digging. 


  1. One of those Children’s graves was my brother

  2. I am visiting Bairagarh Cemetery. I read about Pax’s grave so I’ve taken a photo

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Please do send or post the photos that you take. I am unable to visit India again and would love to see how things are there now. Thank you!

    1. Hi! I will. I checked in on Pax’s grave. I’ll put some flowers on it tomorrow as well. I am trying to figure how to post the photo I took today.

    2. Hi! I am going back tomorrow so I’ll put some flowers on Pax’s grave. I am trying to find out how to post photos but they aren’t attaching to this comment

    3. That's incredibly kind of you. It is really touching my heart. You could send your photos directly to me - you can find my email contact details on my main blog (I don't want to post them here in case I get flooded with spam)

  4. Hi! I was so happy when I saw Pax’s grave. I took some photos and I bought some flowers and decorated it with leaves that I bought from the florist. Not at all. I am happy to do anything. I don’t want to publish my details here either as it can be unsafe but I’ll find you on your site and then share my email etc. 😊

  5. Morning. I have emailed you the photos. Hope you received them.
