Sunday 3 February 2013


And now for something completely different...Goa.

Buffaloes surfing the waves.
Dogs searching at low tide for fish.
Waiters speaking Russian to the many Russian visitors.
Beach "shacks" erected at the start of the season and taken down at the end.
Sitting at a beach shack at sunset, watching the golden orb sink below the horizon, sipping cocktails or mocktails (not alcoholic) and using the free wifi time check email.
Sunshine and a pure blue sky from sunrise to sunset. Sunshine.
Early morning walks on the beach, walking barefoot in the warm surf.
Sand in your sandals, between your toes, in your shoulder bag, sand everywhere.
Tame "wild" dogs at your feet, calmly hoping for scraps.
The smell of the tandoori oven.
The sound of the sea, waves gently crashing on the beach.
Fresh fruit salad; rich deep orange-coloured papaya, an explosion of sweet flavour; crunchy sweet pineapple,  chubby sweet bananas, the caramel-flavour of chickoos.
Sunshine, sand, sea.
Laid back, friendly people.
Coconut palms swaying in the sunset breeze.
Balmy evenings eating freshly cooked fish.
No wonder most people we talk with come back year after year after year.
We'd like to do that too but not completely sure when it will be possible.
So that's a bit of Goa... 

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