Saturday 16 February 2013


We came to the end of that journey leg, we made it back to England.

I lost Pax during a journey, so can you even imagine how I felt when we arrived in Frankfurt for our connecting flight to Manchester and Simon got very sick? Sitting there at the terminal, having to call a medical, him being taken in a wheelchair to the clinic... It was my worst nightmare returned, made worse by feeling tired and not too well myself.

They got to the clinic and they admitted him. I felt as though it was my fault for bringing him to India, and now he was ill...I wasn’t thinking too straight and as I sat in the reception, I felt sick as well and eventually we were both in our own cubicles being treated for gastroenteritis. I'll spare you the details.

So there was no sad ending; we made it to a hotel for the night and then next day, still weak but much improved, we rebooked our flight and finally reached home about 18 hours later than planned.

No journey is the same. What happened before doesn’t have to be repeated, but what happened before does have an impact on how we react to what happens now.

Well, philosophical thoughts aside, we are back now but I have not finished with the blog.

First reason is we are still communicating with Father Anton about a permanent memorial for Pax, which is still a story to tell.

Then there's all the pictures I've been promising to post.

Then there's the ceremony this end of burying the Bhopal soil in Catherine's grave.

And finally, I like writing this, however many or few ever read it, it helps me to focus. So for now, the Bhopal blog continues.

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