Saturday 2 February 2013


Last year I wrote a poem about grief, comparing it to the waves of the sea, and last week I wrote about going deep into the sea and letting the waves buoy me up.

For anyone who thinks I'm back "to normal"..., think about it for a moment. The waves of the Arabian Sea that land so softly on the fine golden sands of the Goan beaches haven’t stopped rolling in, and neither are they likely to stop in the foreseeable future. And while some days they're gentle and manageable for this timid barely-able-to-swim person, they're not always like that.

It was odd because couple of mornings ago I was feeling very down about the kids and that morning, the sea waves too were too rough for me. I couldn’t ride them and had to sit it out. It took me a couple of days to get my confidence back.

So that's the grief of bereavement; it's not always gentle waves, sometimes it's rough. And just like the sea cannot be controlled, so the waves of sorrow are sometimes out of our control.

May all our seas be calm, but at those times when the winds blow and the surf is up, may we find a peaceful haven.

1 comment:

  1. Water and the sea especially were a thing Ruth and I shared. One of our favorite things. I still love being in the sea and actually love being thrown about by it but also know how easily it can overthrow you. Like grief as you say
